Also, Photos of the Production.
Tag: Theater

Accompanying Ogres: Shrek at NHS
Looking for something to do this weekend? How about spending it with a talking donkey? I’ll be playing guitar, mandolin, and ukulele with Niwot High School’s production of Shrek The Musical November 13th through 16th. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights the curtain is at 7pm and there’s a matinee Sunday at 2pm. Bring the whole family for a toe-tapping… Read more →
November Gigs: Graphite Addiction rides again! Also, Grease!
Graphite Addiction at Mo’ Betta Gumbo After a five year hiatus, Graphite Addiction has a gig. Tim Carmichael, Pete Ehrmann, and I will be playing standards and dusting off a few old originals for your listening enjoyment. Join us at Mo’ Betta Gumbo in Loveland, Colorado from 7-10pm on the 22nd. Google Map Grease at Niwot High School I will… Read more →