5 Years of Curious Automata

5 years ago today I started a record label to release music from a few friends. Our goal was to release 6 albums: Aspen Street’s Still, Still, Still, Graphite Addiction’s self titled 2007 debut, Tim Carmichael’s Watching Water, The Pete & Vic Duo, Richard Ellis’ Disaster Squad and one of my own.

5 years, 20 albums, and 3 books later I think we’ve overshot a bit.

Thanks to everyone who has bought music, books, or merchandise and to everyone who came out to gigs to support the bands.

And I can never say thank you enough to my wife Dani and our two long-suffering poochies, Rockett and Charlie, for putting up with an awful lot of nonsense and weird noises.

2018 Curious Automata Releases I’ve Produced

When I’m not making weird noises myself, I encourage others to make them. Actually, I “produce” music by annoying people until they give me albums to release. Here’s what that’s led to so far in 2018:

Richard Ellis―Doing Less with Fewer Notes

Solo improvisations on electric guitar from Colorado’s most befuddling guitar player.

3ology―Live in Longmont, Volumes 1 and 2

2 releases that capture 3ology at its finest: live and up-close.

Initial Convergence, A New Album from Vic Dillahay

Initial Convergence by Vic Dillahay Album Cover

Initial Convergence, a collection of solo improvisations on electric and acoustic guitar.

Buy from: Amazon (CDs or Digital) | iTunes | Bandcamp

Creative Commons License
Initial Convergence by Vic Dillahay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.vicdillahay.com/license.