Pick and Fingerstyle Technique by Tuck Andress is a very thorough article on the deceptively complex art of hitting strings with fingers or a piece of plastic. Read more →

Pick and Fingerstyle Technique by Tuck Andress is a very thorough article on the deceptively complex art of hitting strings with fingers or a piece of plastic. Read more →
Graphite Addiction at Mo’ Betta Gumbo After a five year hiatus, Graphite Addiction has a gig. Tim Carmichael, Pete Ehrmann, and I will be playing standards and dusting off a few old originals for your listening enjoyment. Join us at Mo’ Betta Gumbo in Loveland, Colorado from 7-10pm on the 22nd. Google Map Grease at Niwot High School I will… Read more →
Steve Vai’s Tempo Mental (written in 1983) is one of the best explanations of polyrhythms and metric modulations on the web. Read more →
If you’re looking for a serious rhythmic workout, try playing through some of Charlie Hely’s hip-hop transcriptions. Via Ethan Hein Read more →
It’s been on the net since 1993, but there is still no better alternate picking drill than the dreaded Technique from Hell by Tim Fullerton. Read more →
LSO Play is a new site from the London Symphony Orchestra and Sennep design. In addition to the usual bios and information on the orchestra, it features an interactive player with multiple camera angles of a performance of Ravel’s Bolero. It’s a bit like Pomplamoose goes to the symphony…. via swissmiss Read more →
via Jonathan Stout’s Swing Guitar Blog Read more →