Headless guitars are awesome. Les Paul knew it in 1956. This guitar convinced me.
Stream Still, Still, Still: An Aspen Street Christmas
Photos from the Pit: Shrek at NHS (November 2014)
Also, Photos of the Production.
You’ve been making the wrong mistakes.”
Thelonious Monk

Accompanying Ogres: Shrek at NHS
Looking for something to do this weekend? How about spending it with a talking donkey? I’ll be playing guitar, mandolin, and ukulele with Niwot High School’s production of Shrek The Musical November 13th through 16th. On Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights the curtain is at 7pm and there’s a matinee Sunday at 2pm. Bring the whole family for a toe-tapping… Read more →
Nels Cline in Big Sur (solo guitar)
Today’s transcription project:
Possible signal path for new “Hargrove” looping rack:
- Lexicon PCM42 (Modded to 20 seconds)
- Lexicon PCM70
- Deadly Bees
- Oberheim Echoplex Digital Pro+
How I Scammed My Way Into Becoming a Music Journalist
From Anil Prasad, one of the most honest voices in music journalism.