Former student Coury Ditch improvising on piano

La Vita Bella 2/27/2015: Pictures and Setlist
Set List Watching Water Chasing the Mantra 30 & Counting Change Building a Better Tree Flight of the Neo-Cerebral Peace Iguana F. O. U. Somewhere East of Omaha Jamangatu I Dug It Song for the Children HippiPOTamus Read more →

Wear left blank
T-shirts for left blank are now available at the Curious Automata store. Wear one and confuse your irony-deficient friends! Read more →
Stream left blank
Buy: CD iTunes Bandcamp
More at Curious Automata
As usual, Randall Munroe is right. The idea also applies to music. Just because you don’t get Derek Bailey doesn’t mean you should mock his music and listening to Coltrane doesn’t mean you can be a dismissive jerk to fans of Taylor Swift.
This year I resolve to mind my manners and not mock the Super Bowl. Not even the halftime show.
Korg and Noritake Introduce the Nutube
As with previous vacuum tubes, this newly-developed Nutube is structured with an anode, grid, and filament, and operates as a complete triode tube, generating the same rich harmonics that are distinctive of conventional vacuum tubes. By applying technology from Noritake Co., Limited’s vacuum fluorescent displays, the structure of the vacuum tube has been modified, dramatically reducing its size and allowing it to consume less power.
It’s a new sub-miniature vacuum tube that’s pcb mountable and has a life of over 30,000 hours. I see a whole new wave of hybrid amps and analog synths in our future. Now if only they can be used to build a road worthy Hammond Novachord….